Sunday, January 30, 2011

The By-election

It's about time to 'dispose-off' the by-election in our country. Not only that it wasting 'people's money', but it also diverts our attention from the real issues, the hardships of our economy and the reality of our welfare. The best thing when the state reps/parliamentary reps dies, their party would select someone else from within to replace him/her. The only time we need a by-election is when the constituency is represented by a non-party reps, neither the BN nor the Pakatan. The most important thing is people have spoken during the general election, so keep the status quo on until the next election.

Use people's money wisely, to us and for us. We don't need 'by-election'!!.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Feels like election day is EVERYDAY!!

Just wondering why do feel like living in an "election country". Flipping thru' newspapers and blimey most of the headlines are all about the upcoming by-election (s). I remember when we recently had two by-elections at the same time (Batu Sapi & Galas) and all the mainstream media (TV & papers) had succesfully ran detail coverage on both by-elections. What saddened me was that not very far from Malaysia, a small state named KEDAH was badly hit by flood and seems that NO ONE CARE. What was even amusing was when one senior minister from the federal govt. stated that the flood victims should be under the "jurisdiction" of the state government and argued why federal govt should be there first to help?!

Due to the limited media coverage, some of my friends from KL even asked me how bad was the flood. HOW BAD? It seems that elections is far more important than urgently helping the flood victims. The funny thing was by the time the by-elections finish, all Malaysian have finally shifted their attention towards Kedah. Finally.

I think it's about time that we change our paradigm, shifting our 'obsession' from daily political nuisance to far more critical issues such as how to halt the price increment of the fuel, how to minimize the inflation rate, how to maintain (if not reducing) current househod groceries costs, and how to help the needy.


Only a smile that lasted more than 3 seconds is a sincere smile..:-)

Smile is not something that you have to pay, but it pays you handsomely if you keep on smiling!

Some people need to learn how to smile...i mean seriously some of us don't know how! I firmly believe that a sincere smile should last at least 3 seconds. No, you don't have to count it, but you can do an experiment to prove it. If you don't like someone and you come across him/her, then try smile at him/ should ask someone else to snap your photo during this 'memorable' moment..hahaha. On the other hand, what happen if you meet someone that you like/love, then surely your smile lasted more than 3 seconds (unless if you are trying to 'ass-kissing' someone very important to your career...then it may last more than 10 seconds!!).

Our Society, our beloved Malaysian people also need to be more generous. Why so afraid or hesitate to smile back if someone else smile at you. Those who work at the service counter (govt sector or private) dealing directly with the customers are the real heroes for their respective organizations if you are generous enough in giving away your precious smile. Unfortunately, there are countless of culprits sitting comfortably at the service counter without knowing anything about the word "customer". There is absolutely no need for the government to kick start a special campaign trail to promote this nor asking all their manpower to 'learn' how to smile or even ask them to wear a special smiley batch...hehehe.

People need to understand the important of smile, not only that it may help launching (or perhaps re-launching) your career (or your faltering career), but smile may also take you to a different territories, a new possibilities in your life. Trust me, smile keep you younger, depicting your self-esteem and help reducing other people's misery. According to a research (sorry folks, don't remember exactly who's the author), your high blood pressure, stress, tension and other related illness (including ageing problem) could easily been reduced by always giving away a sincere smile every single day. It is not a myth nor a liar.

One thing to be sure, "Smile is not something that you have to pay, but it pays you handsomely if you keep on smiling". adios.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Siapa kata orang malaysia ni lemah lembut dan bersopan santun? "People Characters & Driving behaviours"

Dulu kita sering dijamukan dengan pendapat bahawa orang kita ni, yakni orang Malaysia ni merupakan orang yang lemah lembut dan bersopan santun, pendek kata penuh dengan budi bahasa. Adakah ini masih lagi fakta atau hanya tinggal mitos semata-mata?

Cuba perhatikan orang kita kalau mereka sedang memandu kereta atau motorsikal? di mana budi bahasa mereka? kalau terlihat someone cuba keluar dari simpang ke jalan besar (main road), adakah kita 'bagi chance' ataupun pada  kadar segera kita memecut untuk menutup laluannya? hehehe...tepuk dada tanya selera. Kalau kita sedang beratur di suatu junction, ada tak mana2 pemandu yang dengan selambanya 'potong line'? atau adakah anda pernah 'dibuntuti' dengan begitu rapat oleh 'michael schumacher' malaysia dari belakang? tepuk dada tanya selera. Kadang-kadang tu, tengah kita berhenti di simpang yang ada traffic light, and ampu bertukar ke hijau...anda lambat jalan je dalam 5 saat, pernah tak kena hon dari belakang?...tepuk dada tanya selera.

Bukan setakat itu sahaja, berapa ramai daripada kita yang benar2 mematuhi lampu isyarat? hijau bermaksud jalan, kuning bermaksud tekan minyak boleh jalan lagi, dan merah maksudnya ada lagi 5-6 saat boleh lagi jalan....:-)....bab pecut memecut ni pulak, masalahnya ada juga rakan2 kita ni yang bawa kereta macam kura2....terlalu slow-mo, pun menyusahkan orang lain juga. Dia relaks, habis tu kalau ada orang lain yang sedang bergelut dengan masa macam mana? selfish i guess....itu belum kira lagi 'kehebatan' pemandu2 bas dan teksi yang boleh kata sebahagian daripada mereka ini dikira layak masuk Formula One...

Itu belum kira lagi rakan2 kita yang mempunyai skill tahap dewa iaitu memandu atau menunggang motorsikal sambil berSMS!!!.....terer tu...tangan kanan pegang handle motorsikal, tangan kira tekan SMS...anak kat belakang tak pakai helmet...perrghhhh tulang besi urat dawai punya orang ni!! salute...memang salute....

Pendek kata, kalau nak tahu karakter sebenar orang Malaysia, bagi kat dia stereng kereta atau motorsikal, tengok macam mana perangai sebenar dia...hehehe....dah tak larat dah nak tepuk dada tanya selera....asyik kena tepuk je sakit dah....hbl#